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Reclaiming Our Community

The Reclaiming Our Community group consists of all local organizations in the hopes of working together towards a stronger, resilient and indepenent northern Indigenous community where all members of the community of Pinehouse can be productive citizens with strong family members.  Where community values, identity, culture and language are continually strengthened and celebrated.





About Reclaiming Our Community(ROC)

Circa 1999 the leadership of Pinehouse started hosting weekly meetings in the hopes of sharing information as it relates to social issues in the community.  In 2012, the Interagency Group spent 2 days at the Musqua Lake Campground to flesh out a Vision for the community.  A Mission Statement was developed along with 8 working principles:

Vision:  Pinehouse is a holistic, healthy, self-sustaining community

Mission:  We are reclaiming our community through a holistic approach and promoting identity, culture, values and beliefs

Strategic Goals:

  1. Educated citizens
  2. Improve overall health of every individual
  3. Strengthen families
  4. Retain, practice and honour traditional values
  5. Economic growth
  6. Safe communities
  7. Prevention, not reaction
  8. Address and reduce alcohol and drugs

Along with developing the Vision, Mission and strategic goals it was also decided to change from Interagency to Reclaiming Our Community(ROC) for we needed to start taking ownership of our community based on our cultural values.

Then in the fall of 2021, the ROC Group, along with Elders, youth and community members attended another strategic planning session this time in Saskatoon to facilitate strategic focus without interruptions.  With strategic focus, it was decided that A)certain issues should take priority and B)Committees should be formed to start to identify even more strategic direction of the ROC principles.  Then in January of 2022, eight(8) Committees were formed:

  1. Culture, Language & Traditions
  2. Economy, Infrastructure and Workforce Development
  3. Education & Skills Training
  4. Families & Child Jurisdiction
  5. Health & Wellness
  6. Housing
  7. Justice
  8. Recreation, Sport & Fundraising

Moving forward, the weekly prevention planning sessions and monthly ROC meetings continue.  Also, each of the 8 Committees meet twice(2) a month to continue to implement socio-economic programming in real time as possible into the community of Pinehouse.  Ultimately, ROC’s hope is for every citizen to heal, self-empower, make real personal changes, upgrade and become a productive member of Pinehouse and society.  The work continues into the future!


Reclaiming Our Community

Weekly Prevention Planning Meeting

Every Monday at 9:30 am

Community Hall


Monthly ROC Meeting

1st Thursday of every month

9:30 am

Community Hall

Contact Reclaiming Our Community c/o Denise Natomagan

+1 (639)214-7151